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Tours to Australia

Australia is a sunny continent of the antipodes with amazing animals. Diving on the Great Barrier Reef, excursions to Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne, sights of Sydney and Aboriginal villages

That's interesting

A bit about the country


If you want a beach holiday, visit one of the islands of the Great Barrier Reef. If you want a little extreme, you can go for walks in the wild - Darwin Jungle and Kakadu Park, hot air balloon flights, rock climbing. For history buffs - gold miners' huts. For the more adventurous, you can travel across Australia in ten days by car. For lovers of active recreation - fishing, golf, tennis. Since Australia is surrounded by seas and oceans, it is fashionable here to engage in all kinds of sports that involve water.

Australia issues visas electronically.
Australian dollar, AUD
English (dialect known as Australian English).
Mainland Australia has three time zones: Western Standard Time (UTC +8), Central Time (UTC +9:30) and Eastern Standard Time (UTC +10).

How to get there

Flights to Australia from Dubai are most popular with Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa and Etihad. Unfortunately, no matter which route you choose, it will take at least 20 hours and with at least one transfer.


Australia's climate varies dramatically depending on the region. In the north it is tropical, in the south it is temperate. The hottest time of the year is from November to January, when throughout the country the temperature ranges from +20 to +32 °C, and in the central regions it reaches +38...+42 °C. At the same time, already 1.5–2 hours after sunset it can become colder by 10-12 degrees. It is relatively cold in June-August, at this time the temperature does not rise above +15...+18 °C, and in the temperate zone it sometimes drops to 0 °C, and it often rains.

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