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Tour to Antarctica

Population - zero, time zones - everything - with such incredible facts you can begin the story about the most difficult to reach continent on the planet - Antarctica

That's interesting

A bit about the country


The human presence in Antarctica is almost an absolute minimum: in the “high season” (read: when you can survive here), about four thousand researchers live and work here; in winter, their number drops to a thousand. Such fantastic living conditions and the history of the development of the continent, full of tragic events, could not help but attract the attention of travelers and, of course, travel agents to Antarctica. Antarctic cruises, extreme trekking, hiking and skiing expeditions, and finally, the conquest of the great and terrible South Pole - these are the objects of tourist interest in Antarctica.

You can get to Antarctica from different countries, some of which will require a visa. For example, if you go on a cruise to Antarctica from New Zealand, you will need to apply for a New Zealand visa. The most convenient way to choose a tour to Antarctica is from Argentina - this country has visa-free entry for citizens of many countries.
There is no official time zone in Antarctica. Officially, Antarctica is considered uninhabited, and therefore it is not divided into time zones. However, research stations located on its territory use the time zones of their country from which they came, or the local time of the countries that are closest.

How to get there

Antarctica is the region of Antarctica itself and its adjacent islands. The vast geography and milder climate compared to the inland climate make it possible to conduct tours here throughout the five Antarctic summer months. Cruises depart from Ushuaia and travel through the Drake Passage to Antarctica. Along the way there are stops in the South Shetland Islands, landings on the Antarctic Peninsula, observing penguins, seals and polar birds. Antarctic cruises are a great way to explore other types of active recreation, adjusted for the exotic nature of the landscape: try your hand at climbing glaciers and kayaking among icebergs, spend the night in a tent right on the ice of Antarctica, and even scuba dive into fascinating underwater ice worlds. This is the most financially friendly and physically accessible option for visiting Antarctica.


Antarctica is located in the southern hemisphere, so winter and summer here coincide with ours exactly the opposite. The winter season in Antarctica lasts from March to August, the summer season from September to February. The polar night lasts here from April 23 to August 20 and coincides with absolute temperature minimums. The peak of the polar day occurs in December - January: then the sun does not hide behind the horizon at all, and even when the clock says that it is dead night outside, the Antarctic landscapes shine dazzlingly under the bright rays of the sun. To say that Antarctica is cold is an understatement. It was here that the absolute minimum temperature on the planet was recorded: -89.2 °C. This happened in July 1983 at the Soviet Vostok station, which today continues to be the only inland Russian station in Antarctica.

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6 days / 5 nights

Cape Horn and Antarctica Cruise

Antarctica! There is still a place on planet Earth that remains untouched; a continent of stunning beauty, where nature makes its own rules. Our planet will appear before you in its pure, naked form. ...

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5 days / 4 nights

Antarctica: Overnight Tour

You will become part of an unforgettable adventure in Antarctica - the coldest, highest, windiest and least populated continent. The site remains untouched and serves as an important reserve for the b...

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8 days / 7 nights

Tour Classic Antarctica

The classic Antarctic air cruise is our most popular expedition route to Antarctica. When you fly to Antarctica, you sail between the South Shetland Islands and the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsu...

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