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Tours to Japan

A very unusual and unique country

That's interesting

A bit about the country


Japan is an island nation in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, located off the coast of East Asia, and occupies four large islands - Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyushu - and many smaller islands. Japan is a mountainous country, 80% of the territory is covered with mountains and hills, so Japan is famous for its hot springs and ski resorts.


How to get there

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The climate in Japan is mainly subtropical monsoon. In winter, winds blow from the northwest, from the mainland, and in summer - from the southeast, from the Pacific Ocean. Winter monsoons bring snow, which falls abundantly in the center, north, and northwest of the country. The mountains do not allow winds to penetrate to the east and south of the country, so the weather there is dry and sunny in winter. In summer, rains and typhoons come with the monsoons.

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Excursion or group tours

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8 days / 7 nights

Legends and lights of Tokyo

Once upon a time, women in luxurious kimonos walked here, emperors philosophized under the sakura branches, and legendary samurai tempered their body and spirit.

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8 days / 7 nights

Tokyo: yesterday and today

Tokyo is a city of skyscrapers, vibrant colors, shapes, smells, sounds and tastes. There are many amazing city districts here: each has its own peculiarity.

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13 days / 12 nights

Grand Tour (Sakura 2024)

Many tourists dream of seeing the Land of the Rising Sun, and those who succeed remain impressed by their journey for a long time. Japan cannot be compared with any other Asian country - it is so orig...

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11 days / 10 nights

Japan silver ring

You can plan a holiday in Japan at almost any time of the year, since there is always something to do and see. With the onset of spring, holidays in Japan become even more popular. Of course: beautifu...

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10 days / 9 nights

Japan from East to West with a visit to a thermal spring

Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world with a thousand-year history, distinctive culture and traditions. This is a country of contrasts: rice-growing rural hinterland and multimilli...

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8 days / 7 nights

Classic Japan with a visit to a thermal spring

The unofficial name of Japan, often found in the press, is the Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese themselves widely use the name “Nihon”, which translates as “homeland of the Sun”.

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