What is educational tourism?

May 18, 2024


You can gain knowledge not only at a school or university desk. By the way, who said that studying is boring? To dispel myths, just book a hotel room , buy air tickets and go on an educational trip. In our text we tell you everything you need to know about trips in which you can see the world and broaden your horizons.

What is educational and excursion tourism?

Within On such trips you get acquainted not only with the sights of the location, but also with the local culture, language, science and even technology. Moreover, among the fans of educational trips there are not only schoolchildren or students, because it is never too late to study. Just imagine: you decide for yourself where to go, what to watch and in what form to receive knowledge. Of course, there are no tests or dictations.

This is a great chance to learn all the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, learn the secrets of the Great Wall of China and find the seven wonders of the world. There is no doubt that after such travels your world will never be the same.

In addition, although this is educational tourism, it means that you cannot forget about relaxation. Therefore, do not gnaw on the granite of science all day long, but communicate with the locals, join the company of other tourists and discover unexplored regions.

Is it possible to organize corporate tours with an educational focus?

The answer is obvious: yes! Your colleagues will appreciate this new type of joint recreation and get to know each other better in an informal setting. By the way, you can offer both a trip abroad and a tour of places in your country. We are sure that local beauties will delight you no less than foreign attractions.

Any group tours are not the easiest task, in which you need to take into account dozens of nuances. However, if you are familiar with Internet services and time management, then booking accommodation and planning a route will not take much time.

Let's not hide: getting involved in educational tourism is very dangerous. Why? Judge for yourself: after your first trip, you will inevitably want to go on the next one. However, there is nothing illegal in such a desire, because it is never too late to get acquainted with the world and learn its secrets.

How is educational tourism organized?

Planning such a trip is no different from a standard trip. The first thing you should do is search for air tickets . Remember, the sooner you resolve your transport issue, the cheaper plane tickets await you.

What to pay attention to next? We recommend shifting your focus to searching for hotels . Accommodation options depend on your budget, needs and preferences. But if you don’t have time to look for suitable apartments on individual websites, entrust your trip to the Travel Code tour operator and go to your desired location under the best conditions.