01 November 2024

Understanding the Different Types of Business Visas

Professional visa allows entry to any country in the world for business reasons. Undoubtedly, this is a perfect decision for everyone who is traveling to discuss work issues and build relationships with foreign partners. At the same time, there are lots of business visa requirements that must be met to get a positive result and practice MICE tourism

How to get a business visa in different regions? Which nuances of the business visa application process can save time? Find answers to the questions in the article below. 

Business visa

There are many alternatives of business traveler visa in different countries: 

  • corporate visa;
  • intra-company transfer;
  • commercial visa.

Despite obvious distinctions, all permits are limited in terms and used for business tours, conferences, negotiations, exhibitions and other professional events. 

Work visa

The main advantage of an employment visa is that you can work abroad right after getting it. Unlike a standard business visa, this document provides you with an opportunity for a long-term trip and finding a job. Respectively, you’re entitled to sign a labor contract and get a status of specialist. 

We recommend checking the rules of the application. For example, the UK requires a certificate of sponsorship therefore you can’t organize business travel without an offer. 

Entrepreneur visa

This is one of the most popular US business visa. If you’re an entrepreneur aimed at growing and expanding the company, such a permit will satisfy your needs. 

As for the documents, usually you should provide a business plan, confirmation of financial security and the right to hire employees. To be sure that all conditions are fulfilled, use our corporate travel service

Investor visa

A list of investment visa countries include the UK, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Canada and many others. This is a perfect chance to enter a country for an investment activity in its economics. 

For example, to get a temporary Australian business visa every applicant must meet a huge scope of requirements. There are some of them:

  • to prove eligible investments and business activities; 
  • to have a three years of investment practice; 
  • to be a business traveler under the age of 45; 
  • to invest AUD 1,500,000 for a moment of visa decision. 

Global mobility visa

This is a highly demanded type of UK business visa. National governmental bodies issue a permit to five categories of applicants: 

  • senior workers/specialists; 
  • graduate trainees; 
  • UK expansion workers; 
  • service suppliers; 
  • secondment workers. 

Pay attention that every temporary worker has to provide a fixed list of documents. Moreover, the host party of service suppliers must get Sponsor License A, and the organization accepting trainees needs to be registered in the UK Home Office. 

EU business visa

Every skilled worker may apply for a European business visa and enter the Schengen area as well as move within it without any borders. First of all, consulate representatives will ask for a traditional list of documents. In addition, you should provide information on a planned business in the EU and professional connections between companies from the country of residence and destination country. 

Canadian business visa

If you’re seeking a possibility to organize business in Canada, this country is ready to issue a visa. The most important moment is to provide documents concerning professional activity: certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur, tax returns and so on. 

In addition to the above mentioned directions, an Asian business visa will make India, China, Japan and other super technological countries closer to you. Moreover, if you’re a highly skilled migrant, the Netherlands have a special program for such specialists with numerous benefits. For details go to our service for organizing business trips.

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