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Tours to Ecuador

This is one of the countries where you can simultaneously bask in the rays of the gentle sun and conquer snowy peaks with glaciers

That's interesting

A bit about the country


Ecuador is a country in the extreme northwest of South America. It shares borders with Colombia in the north and Peru in the east and south; the western part of the country is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Approximately a quarter of the country is in the northern hemisphere, the rest in the southern hemisphere. The state of Ecuador includes 24 provinces, one of them (the Galapagos Islands) is located in the ocean at a distance of about 1000 km from the mainland. The capital of Ecuador is the city of Quito.

Belarusians do not need a visa to Ecuador; the period of stay in the country is up to 90 days. At customs you must present a passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of completion of your trip. The document will include a note about the length of stay in the country.
U.S. dollar

How to get there

The most optimal and popular route today is through Istanbul. And indeed, a big plus is that there is no need for a visa.


Climate. Ecuador is located in hot climatic zones - equatorial (north of the country) and subequatorial (south). July temperature - +25 °C; January temperature is +24 °C. There is no temperature range, one season of the year. Average monthly temperatures in Quito (at an altitude of 2800 m) are +13 °C. In the south from +23 to +27 °C. Precipitation ranges from 100 mm per year in the south to 6000 mm per year on the eastern slopes of the Andes.

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11 days / 10 nights

All the secrets of Ecuador


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11 days / 10 nights

All Ecuador

Ecuador enjoys well-deserved attention from travelers. This is one of the countries where you can simultaneously bask in the rays of the gentle sun and conquer snowy peaks with glaciers. Ecuador is a ...

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11 days / 10 nights

Humpback whale watching and all of Ecuador

Exotic equatorial Ecuador offers holidays for every taste: from exciting excursions and gorgeous beaches to active entertainment and loud celebrations. Tours to Ecuador have always been an expensive p...

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15 days / 14 nights

Wildlife, continental Ecuador + Amazon

Ecuador is an amazing South American country in the heart of the Andes with an interesting excursion component and excellent opportunities for recreation and entertainment both on the mainland and the...

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8 days / 7 nights

Ecuador and Galapagos Islands in July

Attractions: colonial city - UNESCO Heritage of Humanity, equator line, Avenue of Volcanoes, Indian communities of Ecuador, multifaceted rainforest, magical Galapagos Islands.

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11 days / 10 nights

All Ecuador for New Year 2024

Need new experiences? Then we go to Ecuador to celebrate the New Year: New Year's traditions of the Ecuadorians, New Year's dinner with music and dancing, as well as visiting the main attracti...

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11 days / 10 nights

New Year in Ecuador

All of Ecuador. Celebrating the New Year in Ecuador: New Year's traditions of Ecuadorians + New Year's dinner with music and dancing, as well as visiting the main attractions of the country, i...

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9 days / 8 nights

Ecuador - Beauty and nature

Despite the fact that a trip to Ecuador is not cheap, this South American country is of great interest to tourists all over the world. There are many national parks in Ecuador. It has the largest area...

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14 days / 13 nights

Amazing Ecuador - pure pleasure!

Ecuador has several tourist destinations that can be successfully combined: beach, active, excursion and cruise holidays, as well as research and ethnographic tourism.

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9 days / 8 nights

Continental Ecuador

Ecuador has several tourist destinations that can be successfully combined: beach, active, excursion and cruise holidays, as well as research and ethnographic tourism. On the Pacific coast there is a ...

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11 days / 10 nights

Ecuador in September

Traditional Ecuador tourist hotspots, UNESCO colonial heritage cities, the equator line, an avenue of volcanoes and waterfalls, and the Amazon Basin region - one of the most biodiverse places on the p...

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