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Tours to Armenia

One of the oldest states in the world, and the Armenians are considered the descendants of the legendary Urartians, whose powerful state was located on the Armenian Highlands from the end of the 2nd millennium BC.

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A bit about the country


Armenia is a land of mountains and medieval monasteries; a land that remembers the Great Flood and the decline of ancient civilizations. Armenia is famous for its magnificent nature and stunning picturesque mountain landscapes with ancient Christian churches and monasteries. It is a country with a rich and authentic culture, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Armenia is a small agrarian-industrial country with a special energy that captivates with its hospitality, historical and cultural heritage.

Citizens of CIS countries do not need a visa to Armenia.
Armenian dram

How to get there

The air transportation system is well established.


The climate of Armenia is very diverse. This is explained by the peculiarities of the geographical location and large differences in elevation. In general, Armenia is characterized by frosty and snowy winters and hot, sunny summers.

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Excursion or group tours

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8 days / 7 nights


Armenia is one of the oldest countries in the world and has many ancient temples, fortresses and monasteries that are of great historical and cultural significance.

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