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Tours to New Zealand

A country where nature reigns supreme, so extreme sports enthusiasts and active tourists have a direct route here. Waterfalls and geysers, beaches and glaciers, hills and lakes - this is an incomplete list of its beauties

That's interesting

A bit about the country


New Zealand is famous for its gorgeous nature - geysers, mountains and lakes, forests and grottoes, glaciers and beaches. A widely developed environmental movement makes it possible to preserve all this splendor in an almost pristine state, even in areas of large cities. In addition to the most beautiful unique nature and a rich excursion program, the country has another very significant advantage in the eyes of a certain category of tourists - the well-deserved title of the birthplace of extreme and active tourism. Adrenaline is released into the blood even from simply listing the local entertainment: bungee jumping, skydiving and gliding, rap jumping and air surfing, as well as zorbing and much more. In New Zealand, you can watch whales, admire the mighty fjords and thousand-year-old glaciers, wander around cozy Wellington and bustling Auckland, or, who knows, learn English.

You need to apply for a visa to New Zealand in advance. The New Zealand Embassy in Moscow is responsible for processing your visa application. Submission of documents is carried out electronically. The New Zealand visa is also electronic.
The country's currency is the New Zealand dollar (NZD)
English, Maori and New Zealand Sign Language Official status: English

How to get there

There are no flights from Dubai to Wellington. The most convenient option from Moscow to Auckland is the Aeroflot and Cathay Pacific flight Moscow - Hong Kong - Auckland, the total flight time is about 26 hours. You can also fly from Moscow to New Zealand with transfers using the services of JAL to Tokyo, then with Air New Zealand. The total travel time is about 32 hours, with a transfer in Seoul operated by Korean Air. Travel time, depending on connections, is 30-35 hours. Emirates airline operates a flight Moscow - Dubai - Auckland, but the downside of this flight is another long transfer in one of the cities of Australia.


The country has a subtropical maritime climate. January is the warmest month (the height of local summer), the average temperature on the North Island is +19 °C, on the South Island +14 °C. July is the coldest month, the average temperature on the North Island is +12 °C, on the South Island +5 °C. New Zealand winters are accompanied by heavy snowfall in the local Alps (South Island) and in the mountains in the center of the North Island. Snow sometimes falls in low-lying areas of the country, mainly in the south of the South Island, but more often it rains heavily there. The high tides in the morning and low tides in the evening are quite noticeable.

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