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Tours to Malta

Ancient Malta is almost Great Britain in the Mediterranean: English and football are held in equal esteem here

That's interesting

A bit about the country


Malta is famous for its unique locations for beach holidays, diving and ecotourism. Numerous language camps and schools await those wishing to improve their English, and local thalassotherapy centers await those thirsting for beauty and health. The islands of the Maltese archipelago at various times belonged to the Romans, Hospitallers, Moors, French and British. Each of these eras left its mark on the country, as today numerous historical monuments remind us of: fortresses, temples and ancient sanctuaries.

English, Maltese

How to get there

There are two ways to come to Malta: by plane and by ferry.


The climate in Malta is Mediterranean. The air temperature never drops below zero; and I only saw +5°C on the thermometer a couple of times. In winter, you can immediately see the contrast between the locals, who put on all their warm clothes, including fur coats and boots (!), and tourists coming from Russia and Scandinavian countries, who walk around in shorts and even swim from time to time - the water temperature almost never drops below +15°C . On the other hand, in Malta there is practically no sizzling mainland heat - the thermometer rarely goes above +40°C. The hottest (and for some reason the most beloved by tourists) time in Malta is August and early September, when high humidity is added to the temperature of +33°C + 36°C. There is no rain in Malta in July and August, and in June it is quite rare. Autumn and spring in Malta are very comfortable; It rains occasionally, and in late autumn and early spring, sometimes the sea wind blows all night, raising large beautiful waves and interfering with shipping.

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7 days / 6 nights

ACE English courses at St. Julians for adults 17+ years old

If you looking for a language school in Malta, look no further than ACE English Malta, where students achieve specific language learning goals in a welcoming yet rigorous educational environment. At o...

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7 days / 6 nights

ACE English courses at St.Julian’s for teenagers 12-17 years old

If you're looking for a language school in Malta, look no further than ACE English Malta, where students achieve specific language learning goals in a welcoming yet rigorous educational environmen...

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7 days / 6 nights

ACE English courses at St. Julian’s for children 3-17 years old

If you're looking for a language school in Malta, look no further than ACE English Malta, where students achieve specific language learning goals in a welcoming yet rigorous educational environmen...

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