Egor Karpovich
11 March 2025
In today’s world, points and miles for car rental saves significant amounts of money. Even if you’re booking tickets, understanding how to ask for compensation is essential. Let’s figure out how to rent a car with points/miles successfully.
Car rental agencies and loyalty programs offer benefits that can be engaged in vehicle deals. Respectively, you can include credit card, airline or accommodation loyalty perks for further bookings.
Some of the widespread programs cooperate with airlines and financial companies, so you’ll be able to redeem points for car rental easily.
To utilize your assets for rental, follow the guide:
If you have frequent flying miles accumulated, just choose them for vehicle rentals through special programs. Many airlines cooperate with rental agencies to allow their members to change perks for bookings.
Is it possible to rent a car with points from a credit card? Sure! What’s more, this is an especially useful option in business travel.
Whether you're attending business tourism events or meeting a colleague in the airport, making use of rewards can be an easy way to maximize your budget.
Without a doubt, car rental rewards programs are of high importance in business trips, airport transfer and other professional affairs. Use our tips in the next business trip or personal adventure.